Ambashtadi Gana Kashaya Pana in Bhagna Sandhana - A Case Study
Background: A Fracture is defined as a complete or incomplete break in the continuity of a bone. Fractures are more common nowadays due to various reasons like fall and RTA. Long Bones are commonly affected due to RTA and fall. In the context of Bhagna mentioned by our ancient Acharyas, we can find out that it resembles the clinical feature of Fractures. In this study a humble attempt is being made to evaluate the role of Ambashtadi Gana Kashayapana in long bone fractures. Aim: To evaluate and compare the effect of Ambashtadi Gana Kashayapana with Calcium supplements in the management of Bhagna w.s.r. to long bone fractures. Materials and Methods: 40 patients are divided into 2 groups randomly with each group containing 20 patients each. Group A patient receives Ambashtadi Gana orally along with conventional fracture management. Second group was kept as control group in which Calcium supplements were given along with conventional Fracture management. Results are documented clinically and studied statistically to draw the conclusion. Results: In Group A, highly significant results were seen in 60% of patients for swelling and loss of function and even better results for pain and tenderness. Even in Group B, 58% of patients were having good improvements. Conclusion: Group A is comparatively better in managing symptoms like swelling and Loss of Function. Even marked improvement was seen on pain and tenderness as well. Thus, it indicates that Ambashtadi gana is beneficial in the management of fracture.
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Maheshwary.J, Treatment of Fractures: General Principles, Essential Orthopedics, 4th Edition, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher’s Limited; 2011; p.13
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Sushrutha, Sushrutha Samhita, Edited by: Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji , with Nibanda sangraha commentary by Sri Dalhanacharya, 2014 reprint edition Varanasi: Chaukhambha orientalia; Sutra sthana Chapter 38.p.167-168
Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita of Acharya Charaka, Edited by : Vaidya Yadavji Trikaji Acharya, 2009 reprint edition Varanasi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; Sareera sthana .Chapter 4.p.312
Maheshwary J, Anatomy of Bone and Fracture Healing, Essential Orthopedics, 4th Edition, New Delhi: Jaypee Brother’s Medical Publisher’s Limited; 2011;.p.10
Maheshwary J, Anatomy of Bone and Fracture Healing, Essential Orthopedics, 4th Edition, New Delhi: Jaypee Brother’s Medical Publisher’s Limited; 2011;.p.11