Management of Cerebral Atrophy in Ayurveda
Cerebral Atrophy is a degenerative condition where there is wasting or shrinkage of the brain due to loss of cerebral volume. In brain tissue, atrophy describes the loss of neurons and the connections between the brain tissues. Cerebral atrophy is a common feature of many of the diseases that affect the brain. Rates of cerebral atrophy differs in different degenerative pathologies and depending upon the area of brain involved, the manifestation of the symptoms occurs which can be generalized or focal. It is not possible to reverse brain atrophy after it has already occurred but there may be some ways of preventing it or slowing it down. However, preventing brain damage, especially by preventing a stroke, may reduce the amount of atrophy that may develop over time. Healthy lifestyle strategies could minimize the atrophy that is normally associated with aging. In Ayurveda, this particular condition is not described as it is but it’s pathology can be understood on the basis of Tridoshas. Nervous system is related to aggravation of Vata Dosha due to diet and lifestyle changes which aggravate Vata in body. As old age is a period for Vata aggravation thus atrophy is common in old age therefore approach for the treatment of Cerebral Atrophy is according to Vata Vyadhi by nourishing the body with Snigdha Dravya (oily substances), Panchakarma (therapeutic cleaning of body) etc. Cerebral atrophy can also be understood on the basis of concepts of Majja Dhatu Kshaya.[1] Therefore here an attempt is made, to understand Cerebral atrophy from both modern and Ayurvedic concepts and to discuss the management of the condition from Ayurvedic point of view.
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