Importance of Ghranendriya as explained in Ayurveda with reference to Olfaction
Indriya word is derived from word “Indra” means Prana. Indriya are organ in the body which exhibit the sign of life or vitality. The Panch Gyanendriya is the Sadhan for the perception of Bahygagyana. Each sense is dominated by the 5 different elements according to Ayurveda; earth, water, fire, air and sky. All elements are present in each sensory experience. Indriya is a function that connect the individual with the outside the world, which is the strength of the body. And the power of the senses. The feeling by which the inner ‘I’ gets knowledge about the world around. The nose is considered the doorway to the brain, according to Ayurveda. So, the cleansing and caring for the nose increase the flow of Prana and increases energy to the head and brain.
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