A case study on Vatakaphaja Unmada : Autism Spectrum Disease
Introducton: Manasika Vikara can be caused due to derangement in Manasika Doshas like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Irsha, can be due to Atyartha Prakupita Shareerika Doshas which then vitiates the Manovahasrotas or can be due to Agantuja Nidanas lika Graha Badha or Bhootabadha Janya. Unmada is on such Manasika Vikara caused due to vitiation of Shareerika Doshas finally disturbing the Manasika Bhavas leading to the specific Doshik Lakshanas. It can be compared to Autism spectrum disease as the very definition of it incorporates the features like impairment in Social and communicative behavior, restrictive and repetitive behaviors. The present case has been diagnosed as Vatakaphaja Unmada having autistic features Materials and methods: The treatment protocol of Unmada like Basti, Nasya, are adopted with classical medicines according to the Dosha predominance. Result: There has been improvement in the clinical manifestations after two sittings of the treatment. Discussion: Basti by its Veerya moves throughout the body, does the Dosha Vilodana and eliminates it from the body. Nasya being the Dwara to Shiras opens up the Manovaha Srotas. These procedures along with the internal medications have brought the improvement in present case. Here is the paper describing about the very case, its treatments and the result obtained.
2. Autism spectrum disease, IAP text book of pediatrics, Chapter 6.16
3. Unmada chikitsa adhyaya, Charaka samhita text with English translation. Chapter 9, verse 10 and 12.
4. Vatavyadhi rogadhikara, Bhaishajyaratnavali, Chapter 26, Verses: 343 to 345.
5. Tailayoga prakarana, Sahasrayoga, Chapter 18, Verses 51.
6. Unmadapratisheda adhyaya, Ashtanga hridaya with Arunadutta Teeka, Chapter 6, verse 26-31.
7. choorna prakarana, Sahasrayoga, Verses 16.

Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Padmanayna M., Dr. Prathviraj Puranik , Dr. Sharashchandra R

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