Critical analysis of Vidangakrishnadi Yoga w.s.r. to Krimihara action
The analysis of the formulation (Yoga) pertaining to its mode of action is an important area in assuring the therapeutic efficacy and safety. Krimiroga being a common presentation in pediatric age group, the probable action of the drug is more relevant considering the Aparipakvaavastha of the children. Lakshanas of Pureeshaja Krimi described in Ayurvedic classics are Vivarnatha (Discoloration of the face), Shoola (Pain in abdomen), Bhaktadwesha (Aversion to food), Atisaara (Loose stools), Sadana (Generalized Debility), Jwara (fever) and Gudakandu (Anal itching). According to Ayurveda, the principle of treatment for Krimi includes Apakarshana, Prakruti Vighata and Nidana Parivarjana. Among these Samshamana is easier to be administered in children, so such formulation is being adopted. Vidangakrishnadiyoga is a Kashayayoga explained in Sahasrayoga in Kashayaprakarana. The indications sole action of Yoga is indicated as Krimihara. There are 9 drugs in the Yoga which are collectively Krimihara, Deepana and Pachana in action. The drugs are Vidanga, Pippali, Maricha, Nirgundi, Shigru, Bharangi, Musta and Aakhukarni. This article is a review of the Vidangakrishnadi Yoga considering the Rasadigunas of the ingredients.
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