Retrospective evaluation of the efficacy, safety and satisfaction of AyurCoro3 : A patient-reported outcomes study
Background: At the backdrop of absence of any approved treatment for COVID-19 infections, Ayurvedic treatment can be explored for its potential. AyurCoro-3 is a combination of Gomutra (bos indicus urine), hot water, turmeric, Turati churna (potassium Alum), candy sugar (khadisakhar), Bos indicus milk with two teaspoons of Go Ghrut (Ghee) with antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. The present study evaluated the responses from individuals who consumed Ayurcoro-3. Methods: A retrospective observational study was carried out based on the participants who consumed Ayurcoro-3. Participants were asked about their reasons for taking the drug, whether as prophylaxis/treatment, duration of symptoms following the drug intake compared to baseline, their satisfaction with Ayurcoro-3, and adverse events. Results: Two thousand participants were recruited, and majority consumed Ayurcoro-3 as a prophylactic drug (1285, 64.25 %). Amongst those who were symptomatic, 317 had cough and 328 had fever, and 299 had positive RT-PCR test. The mean (SD) duration of symptoms were significantly shorter following the intake of Aurcoro-3 as follows: cough [before: 4.64 (3.26), after: 2.26 (1.34) days; p < 0.05], fever [before: 4.16(2.40), after: 2.15(1.34) days; p < 0.05], breathlessness [before: 5.56 (2.66), after: 2.30 (1.19) days; p < 0.05], and weakness [before: 5.69 (3.08), after: 2.36 (1.13) days; p < 0.05]. Majority of the participants stated that they were very satisfied with Ayurcoro-3. None of the participants reported any serious adverse reaction and only few adverse events were reported. Conclusion: We found that Ayurcoro-3 to be highly effective and safe in preventing/treating COVID-19 related symptoms and the patients are highly satisfied with the response.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ajay Prabhakar Sankhe , Nanasaheb Somnath Memane, Vijaykumar P. Gawali, Sonal Nanasaheb Memane, Mayur Nimba Bagul, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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