A prospective, multi center, single blind, randomized controlled study evaluating “AyurCoro3” as an adjuvant in the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 patients
Background: There is so far no proven treatment for the unprecedented COVID-19 infections. Ayurveda holds promise in the treatment of this viral infection. We carried out a randomized controlled trial of ‘AyurCoro-3’, a combination of Gomutra (Bos indicus urine), hot water, turmeric, Turati Churna (potassium Alum), candy sugar (Khadisakhar), Bos indicus milk with two teaspoons of Go Ghrut (Ghee) as an adjuvant to standard care, in comparison to standard care alone in patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infections. Methods: A randomized, blinded, controlled trial was carried out in adult patients diagnosed with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infections confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. Interventional group was administered single dose of ‘AyurCoro-3’ as an adjuvant with standard care, and the control group received only standard of care. Validated clinical improvement scale was used for evaluating the clinical improvement, time of resolution of presenting symptoms, duration of hospitalization, proportion of patients requiring mechanical ventilation, and functional status scale were the key outcomes. Results: One-hundred and seventy-four patients were recruited. Significantly more proportions of patients had resolution of all symptoms (cough, fever, breathlessness, weakness, and tastelessness) in the interventional group compared to control. Similarly, the interventional group also had shorter time for clinical improvement as well as shorter time of resolution for cough, breathlessness, and weakness. No significant differences were observed in the duration of hospitalization, proportion of patients requiring mechanical ventilation, functional status scale, and adverse events between the groups. Conclusion: The Ayurvedic medicine ‘AyurCoro-3’ was observed to significantly shorten the duration of COVID-19 infections and was well tolerated.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ajay Prabhakar Sankhe, Nanasaheb Somnath Memane, Vijaykumar P. Gawali, Sonal Nanasaheb Memane, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Mayur Nimba Bagul, Rashmi Tiwari, Vikram Bansal

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