To develop and validate an Integrated Yoga Module for Basketball Players
Basketball sport required high-level of fitness-related components, heart rate, blood lactate, aerobic capacity, anaerobic power and psychological demands from an athlete. From scientific evidence it has been observed that yoga helps in develop the entire psycho physiological component without giving physical stress to the body if it is practiced in proper manner. However, a validated Yoga module for basketball player is unavailable. The IYM for basketball players is prepared after doing detailed and systematic review of classical and contemporary yogic texts and earlier research evidence. The content validity of IYM for basketball players was presented to SMEs and evaluated by an experienced panel comprised of 30 yoga experts who satisfied the inclusion criteria. Data analysis exhibited that out of 85 yogic practices, 45 yogic practices showed substantial content validity. According to lawshe’s method, 0.33 is the critical value of CVR (minimum CVR value) required for validation with 30 SMEs. The current study proposes that the IYM for Basketball players is valid with good content validity. However, future research studies must determine the efficacy and feasibility of the developed module.
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