To develop and validate an Integrated Yoga Module for Tennis Players
Tennis athletes need a combination of low-intensity and high-intensity aerobic and anaerobic capabilities. Sports related fatigue, injury, stress and anxiety reduce the sports performance of a player. The main objective of any sports training should be to refrain from the onset of fatigue, stress and anxiety during competition and training. Integrated Yoga has been researched extensively. It shows that yoga helps improve psychophysiological components such as aerobic and anaerobic capacities, cardiovascular fitness, while reducing fatigue, competitive stress and anxiety. Yoga also improves relaxation and mindfulness, hence, improving performance. However, a valid yoga module is unavailable for tennis sports athletes. IYM for tennis players is developed based on ancient yogic text and previous research evidence. The yoga module was presented to 30 SMEs to evaluate and validate a total number of 82 practices included in the proposed module based on a three-point scale. The content validity has been calculated by applying Lawshe’s formula of content validity ratio (CVR). According to Lawshe’s formula, 0.33 is the critical value of CVR required for validation with 30 SMEs. Data analysis shows that out of 82 yogic practices, 41 yogic practices showed significant content validity (p<0.05). Results show that, among the 82 practices, 41 were found to be essential (CVR ≥0.33) and 41 were found to be not essential (CVR <0.33). However, the feasibility and efficacy of the Integrated Yoga Module for tennis players need to be determined by future studies.
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