Shad Rasa and their effect on the body
The word Rasa means taste, but it also has other meanings like Rasa Dhatu, Parada, etc. Among them, the one which is perceived through the tongue is known as Rasa, which is Pradhana Rasa i.e., primary taste or main taste. Rasa action occurs immediately after exposure to Rasanendriya (tongue). In Ayurveda, the benefits of any food and drink have been determined on the basis of these Rasas. The things in which the intensity of the Rasas is very high are used as medicine. The taste of food items is also decided on the basis of these Rasas. For example, things with Madhura Rasa are considered cold and those with Amla or Lavana Rasas are considered hot. The present study reveals that the six types of Rasas, determination, associated Guna, Virya, properties, benefits, disadvantages of excessive consumption, Rasa-Mahabhuta relation and Rutu, Mahabhuta and Rasas formation relation, Rasa-Dosha, dhatu and mala relation and some modern aspects. The further scope of study is to elaborate about consumption Shad Rasas and their effect on body.
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