Importance of Dinacharya in a routine life
Ayurveda is an eternal science of life. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain the health and cure of the disease. To achieve one such goal of maintaining the health, Dinacharya is one of the means to follow certain things like morning walk in Ayurveda along with these there are other different procedures include like Nasya, Snana, Abhyanga, Tambula Sevan. etc. Ayurveda has not only advised the treatment for various diseases but also its prime moto has been to prevent Someone's health. Many Dietary and Lifestyle related rules and regulations have been described in the classical texts of Ayurveda for the prevention of health. Dinacharya is the first and basic lifestyle regimen to be followed Dinacharya is mentioned by many Ayurveda Acharyas.
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