A clinical study to effect of Dhanyamla Parisheka in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Background: Bahirparimarjana Chikitsa is one of two modes of treatment explained in Ayurvedic medical science. Doshas move from internal Koshta to Shaakha during disease pathology or Roga Samprapti. Swedana is considered one such treatment protocol to bring Doshas from Shaakha to Koshta. Parisheka is a method of Swedana by pouring medicated water or oil over the body. Dhanyamla Parisheka is a Rooksha inducing Parisheka Sweda. Amavata is a disease with predominant Kapha and Vata Dosha. Its Vyaktha Sthana is predominantly Sandhi with severe pain and swelling. Treatment of Amavata includes Rooksha Swedana. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis largely correlate with the symptoms present in Amavata. Global prevalence rates of Rheumatoid Arthritis with genetic associations in India is 0.1-0.4%. Methods: In this study, 50 patients diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis were selected and subjected for Dhanyamla Parisheka. This study involves estimation of Rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein and Anti streptolysin O titre levels before treatment and after follow-up period and evaluation of pain, swelling, tenderness and range of movement of joints involved in the subjects before and after Dhanyamla Parisheka for 7 days. The results are suggestive of effect of the Dhanyamla Parisheka. Results: There was statistically significant reduction in Rheumatoid arthritis score in the subjects. Interpretation: Dhanyamla Parisheka is an effective Bahirparimarjana Chikithsa in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis.
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Vagbhata, Astanga hrudaya, with commentary from Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri, edited by Hari Sadasiva Sastri Paradakara, edition 2010, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Samsthana, Pp 956,page no 82 and 299.

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