Intervention of Amavata w.s.r. to Rheumatoid Arthritis through Ayurveda : A Single Case Study
Amavata is the systemic disorder in which pathogenic constituents are mainly Aama and Vata. The symptoms of Amavata are identical to Rheumatoid arthritis. It is an auto-immune and most common persistent inflammatory disease occurring throughout the world in all ethnic groups with a male to female ratio of 1:2-3. Amavata, is explained in Laghutrayees and was first time described in Madhav Nidana as a separate clinical entity in the 7th century. In modern medicine treatment has its limitations, whereas in Ayurveda, its effective management is detailed for its different states. Moreover, Panchkarma has potent Shroto-vishodhna effect and is found as a promotive, preventive and curative measure in the patient of rheumatoid arthritis. In this case study a 14 year old diagnosed case of Amavata has been treated with Alepa, Dhanyamla Dhara, Vaitarna Basti as Shodhana and tablet AIMFLAM MR, Chitrakasavam as Samshamana Aushadha for 7 days and after that tablet FLEXOFEN, Vidangarishta, Kanchanar Guggulu as Samshamana Aushadha for 30 days and patient showed remarkable improvement in all the symptoms.
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Chakradatta, Indradev Tripathi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhavan, 2010 Amavata- 25/1,pp225.

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