Management of Shushkakshipaka w.s.r. to Dry Eye Syndrome - A Single Case Study
Introduction: Shushkakshipaka is a Sarvagatha Netra Roga characterised by Daruna Ruksksha Varthma, Avila Darshanam. Tears are clear liquid which keep the eyes wet, smooth, lubricant and help to see clearly by focusing the light. Dry eye syndrome is a condition when the tears aren’t able to provide adequate lubrication for eyes. Shushkakshipaka can be correlated with dry eye syndrome. Materials and Method: This is a case report of 42 years old woman who approached Shalakya Tantra eye OPD of Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur with feeling of dryness on both eyes associated with blurring of vision, redness of eyes and head ache since 2 months. The subject was thoroughly examined and diagnosed as Shushkakshipaka. The treatment was planned according to the Chikitsa Sutra of Shushkakshipaka. The subject was treated with Virechana, Nasya, Kriyakalpa and Shamanoushadhis. Result: The subject had shown good improvement both subjectively and objectively. Discussion: The conventional and effective treatment of dry eye are artificial tear drops and lubricants which gives a temporary relief from the symptoms. Here the Ayurvedic treatment are adopted which are effective and not having side effects.
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