Management of Traumatic Optic Atrophy through Ayurveda - A Case Report
Introduction: Optic nerve atrophy refers to the death of the retinal ganglion cell axons that comprise optic nerve, which can adversely affect the central vision, peripheral vision and colour vision. Materials and Methods: This is a case report of 35 years old gentle man who approached OPD of Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur with signs and symptoms of traumatic optic atrophy in right eye since 6 years and he was totally blind in left eye since his 10 years of age. He was treated with Brumhana, Nadibalya and Rasyana line of treatment which is mentioned in the classics. i.e., Akshi Tarpana, Nasya, Chakshushya Vasthi, Taila Dhara and Shamanoushadhis. Result: The subject had shown marked improvement subjectively and in diagnostic test also. Discussion: Unfortunately there is no treatment to reverse optic atrophy in conventional medicine; however, limiting further optic nerve damage is the goal. Here the Ayurvedic treatments are adopted to restore the vision loss occurred in traumatic optic atrophy.
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