A critical study on Burn Injury (Dagda Vrana) with special reference to Sushruta Samhita
Burns are global public health problem, accounting for an estimated death 180000 annually and the estimated annual burn incidence in India is approximately 6 -7 million. In Ayurveda, burn injury has been dealt in the name of Dagdha Vrana. The concept of Dagdha Vrana was found in different treatises, In Sushruta Samhita details regarding classification, clinical features and detailed management according to types are described. In Ayurveda, therapeutic burns also have been described. This article compiles with classification, clinical features and treatment of burns injury and Dagda Vrana with special reference to Sushruta Samhita.
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Susruta, Susruta Samhita, English translation by Srikantamurthy. 1st ed. Suthrasthana, Ch-12. Varanasi: Chaukambha visvabharati; 2018. Vol-1.p.74.
Susruta, Susruta Samhita, English translation by Srikantamurthy. 1st ed. Suthrasthana, Ch-12. Varanasi: Chaukambha visvabharati; 2018. Vol-1.p.75.

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