A randomized controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Gomutra Triphala Vati in the management of Sthoulya
Background: Sthoulya is considered as one of the Kaphaja Nanatmaja Vyadhi. Overweight and Obesity are defined as an abnormal, excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of the two Ayurvedic formulations, Gomutra Triphala Vati which is one of the unexplored Aushadha yoga explained in Vangasena Samhita, Medorogaadhikaara and Navaka Guggulu explained in Chakradatta, Sthoulya Chikitsa in the management of Sthoulya. (Overweight and Class One Obesity). Materials and Methods: 60 patients fulfilling the Diagnostic and Inclusion criteria were selected for a Single Blind Comparative study. They were randomly allocated into 2 equal groups A & B. Group A and Group B subjects received Gomutra Triphala Vati and Navaka Guggulu in a dosage of 500mg, two tablets, twice daily, after food with Ushna Jala (Warm water) for 45 days, respectively. Assessment was done at baseline i.e.; 0th day, 16th day, 31st day, after treatment on 46th day and after follow up on 61st day. Results: While comparing both the drugs clinically, Gomutra Triphala Vati and Navaka Guggulu showed effective results in Sthoulya. On statistical comparison within the groups, both the groups showed significant effect (P<0.05) in Atinidra, Alpavyayama, Alasya, Body weight, BMI, Circumferences of Midarm, Waist, Chest, Hip and Thigh. Conclusion: On statistical comparison between the two groups there is no significant difference in the effect of both Gomutra Triphala Vati and Navaka Guggulu. Thus, H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted.
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