A randomized controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Shatavari Guggulu in Janusandhigata Vata
Background: Sandhigata Vata is one of the Vatavyadhis named based on the Sthaanavaishishtyatha of vitiated Vata. It mainly presents with Sandhishoola and Shopha further leading to difficulty in movements. Knee Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, which is a major cause of disability which reduces the quality of life. Osteoarthritis principally targets the knee joint, hip joint and certain small joints. Methodology: 60 patients fulfilling the diagnostic and inclusion criteria were selected for a single blind randomized controlled clinical study. They were randomly allocated into 2 equal groups Group A and Group B. Subjects of Group A received Shatavari Guggulu in a dosage of two tablets three times a day after food with Sukoshna Jala for 30 days and Group B subjects received Trayodashanga Guggulu with same dose and duration. Assessment was done before treatment,16th day, 31st day (After treatment) and follow up on 46th day. Result: When both groups were compared clinically, both showed effective changes in most of the parameters. The statistical analysis of within the group comparison showed statistically significant results in both groups for all parameters except in Atopa. When statistical comparison was done between the two groups, no significant difference was found. Conclusion: Both Shatavari Guggulu and Trayodashanga Guggulu showed statistical significant effect in all parameters except in Atopa. On statistical comparison between the two groups there is no significant difference in the effect of both Shatavari Guggulu and Trayodashanga Guggulu. Thus, H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted.
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