A Case Study on Raktaja Granthi (Pyogenic Granuloma)
Agnikarma is regarded as the best of the Anushastras because of its quick action and long-lasting cure. It is said to have the ability to cure ailments that cannot be cured by other therapeutic methods such as Surgery, Kshara, and pharmacological management. A wide number of references are available in Ayurveda literature about Granthi which lays emphasis on benign lesions. Various types of Granthi have been enlisted, and among these Raktaja Granthi is a form of swelling in which the pathology is of vascular origin. Ayurveda has bestowed wide range of surgical and para surgical knowledge to the world which has been utilized in treating many of the diseases. Following is a case of Raktaja Granthi in which Agnikarma was done and the lesion was excised with ease, follow up was taken for about six months in order to see any recurrence. Observation: It was observed that within a month the site of lesion was healed without any sign of slough or discharge.
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