Bhagandara - A challenge as a Nidanartakara Roga
Bhagandara is one among the Ashtamahagada and which is also considered as graves disease due to its causativity, chronicity and extensively challengeable surgical condition. Bhagandara which can be correlated to Fistula-in-ano of contemporary science opines same in the matter of management. In this case study the Bhagandara can be categorised under aetiology caused due to secondary type i.e., as a Nidanartakara roga, Vyadhisankara and as Upadrava. Which explains the suitable, timely and effective management of the disease according to its Nidana, avasta, type and chikitsa prayoga. Kshara sutra therapy being one of the promising treatment protocol in management of Bhagandara proves valid in its compelling nature, the same constructiveness has been proven in the present case.
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