Etiopathological study of Ardita w.s.r. to Facial Paralysis - An observational study
Ardita is one of the Vata Vyadhis which is caused by aggravation of Vata. Ardita has been enlisted amongst the eighty types of Nanatmaja Vata Vyadhis. The vitiation of Vata especially aggravation of Vata causes ‘Ardita’ as mentioned in almost all Ayurvedic classics. Acharya Charaka has included Sharirardha in Ardita while Sushruta has considered only face or upper part of the body is affected in Ardita. Ardita can be co-related with facial paralysis on the basis of its signs and symptoms mentioned in texts. Here, temporary suspension or permanent loss of function, especially loss of sensation or voluntary motion of unilateral side of face is considered. It occurs due to any injury or inflammation to facial-VIIth cranial nerve, which leads to partial or total loss of movement of unilateral face. Actually, facial paralysis leads to a disability of interaction by loss of facial expression, which is a major part of human communication. It may reoccur or leave synkinesis. Modern science found drugs like steroid and Antivirals etc. for it, also surgical and other treatments are available for facial paralysis. Yet, its recurrence and synkinesis also reported. Facial function plays an integral part in everyday lives disability of both verbal communication and facial expressions are hampered in Ardita. It is a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of muscles in face.
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