An Ayurvedic Approach to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - A Case Report
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is the most common form of progressive motor neuron disease, which characterised by progressive degeneration of cells of the lower cranial motor nuclei, anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and neurons of the motor cortex extending to the pyramidal tracts. ALS with multifocal onset might exhibit muscle stiffness & weakness in upper and lower limbs, muscle twitching, atrophy, slurred speech, dysphagia and loss of dexterity. In Ayurveda contexts, the signs and symptoms pertaining to ALS can be related to Kaphavruta Udanavata. In the present study the patient was presented with slurred speech, dyspnoea, reduced strength in right pollex, digitus secundus & medius, difficulty grasping objects in right hand, heaviness in right upper limb and dysphagia. The treatment administered were Snehana, Swedana, Matra Basti, Shiropichu and Shamana Oushadhi for a period of 42 Days (In patient – 12 days & Out patient – 30 days). The functional rating scale for ALS- revised (ALSFRS-R) was used for assessment. The ALSFRS-R scale before the treatment was 23 which was increased to 29 With remarkable improvement in dysphagia and moderate improvement in speech, strength in right pollex, digitus secundus and Medius and dyspnoea. The treatment was probably effective in preventing the late-stage complications of the disease, thereby improving the quality of life.
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