Concept of Santarpana: A Scientific Analysis
Human beings are the supreme creature in the universe they have the power to solve all problems including diseases. Acharya Charaka has explained in Charaka Samhita about the treatment protocol of the different type of life styles disorders considering to their pathogenesis. Santarpana is the one type of treatment procedures among all. If one does not maintain the proper protocol of Santarpana Ahara (dietetics) and Vihara (daily routine) then it vitiates Kapha, Mamsa and Meda, which cause various over nutritive disorders, which are popularly known as life style disorders. So, Santarpana acts as a Hetu (causative factors) and type of Chikitsa (treatment) depending upon the improper and proper use Santarpana is also responsible for maintaining the normal physiology of homeostatic process through energy balance by the intake of Santarpana Ahara and Vihara. Body weight is regulated through the energy balance, the amount of energy (ingested fuels as food) intake and the amount of energy expenditure (muscle action) over an extended period of time. In homeostatic conditions all ingested energies are normally metabolized to maintain basal metabolic rate, thermogenesis, and muscle action. Excess ingested energies are stored as fat in adipocyte for using later as per body need. To maintain basal metabolic rate (BMR) Agni (power of digestion and metabolism) plays an important role. Basically, Santarpanaja Vyadhi in terms of obesity is characterized by a dysregulation of the neuro-physical signals that controls the food intake, inducing an imbalance between energy expenditure and energy intake. A complex network of peripheral and hypothalamic signals helps to balance between food intake, nutritional partitioning or body weight, energy homeostasis and body’s homeostasis. Leptin and ghrelin are two hormones that have a major influence on energy balance. Therefore, this review attempt to shed light on the role of Santarpana in terms of ghrelin and leptin to maintain the Dhatusamya (body’s homeostasis) through regulation of the energy intake and expenditure along with BMR of human body and which will be helpful for scholars in treatment of diseases and advising precautions.
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